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For Jo a whelk-shell:
Whose castellated spiral
Sprinkles mica-dust.
For Beth a lurcher
On a Norfolk beach: running
Endlessly off-lead.
For Tom a gritstone
Crag: with handholds and footholds
Right up to the clouds.
For Nicki a bright
Green camellia - with buds
Ready to open.
For Caroline a
Quiet lane between hedges
Where bike wheels can move.

For Brigid soft soil:
Manured and crumbling and
Always workable.

For Dave a handpump
Drawing up swirling beer from
A cool metal cask.

For Nigel a chair
In a seaside office with
The sound of waves.
For Mark a bike trail
Under the conifers in
The pine-scented air.
For Dee flour-crusted
Fingers lightly shifting the
Norfolk dumpling mix.




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