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The Head of Economic Geography at Hull University Talks to Prospective Undergraduates

Our courses are designed to fit the age:
Motorways, containers, and we gauge
The decrease in the role of distance against wage.

Currently we’re looking at iron and steel,
T.V. components: the shipping of fishmeal
And so helping the old gap to heal

By studies in the field: concentration
And its advantages, the start of dispersion:
Decentralisation and its reversion.

And now the department is computerised
Mapping techniques can be familiarised—
Access is simply code name authorised.

Our field trips are to the Rhone and Rhine
To examine the valley as transport line,
Or down the road at Ferry Bridge, to define

The siting of oil-based power stations,
Why nuclear is in remote locations
And the future role of tidal installations.






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