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Sewell Park Poems

Party Balloon

Suddenly appears
Moving rapidly northwards -
Its silver-metal sheen

Sparkling - its string
Dangling. Gas assisted
It rises quickly

Over the school roof
And heads off into the
Blueness of the sky.


For the Time Being

High above Sewell
Park today swifts and martins
Mob the kestrel

Bombing, harrying,
Titling - pushing it away over
The roofs of the

Terraces and reclaim
Their air-space - safe
For the time being.



At the park today
Tape from a broken cassette
Flutters across the

Grass - its long ribbons
Glinting metallically
In the March sunlight.


Litter (1)

In the far corner
Of the High School tennis courts
Empty crisp bags, caught
In this moment's sudden gust,
Spin furiously like leaves.


Headlice Discovered

Sitting on the edge
Of the bath under a bright
Bulb, we groom ourselves
Meticulously like a
Troop of chimpanzees.





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